

Poetry of the Real

reality?…. Yes, but don’t bother with it now:  it’s thinking.


Reality‘s etymology is derived from the Latin realis; ‘relating to things.’ It sounds ironic or perhaps rather, absurd, to speak of ‘things’ within a digital or even more so within a digitized medium. Where lies the thing—that which has matter—in virtual reality, or in real virtuality, or even in augmented reality (with its necessary cross-over between the analog, digitized and the digital)?

Is the real decomposed to an idea or still empirically steadfast? Is the “thing,” the “real” in the digital realm ritualized to graphic outlines void of its “content;” void of that what supposedly matter[s]?

Oooh…. is the ‘aura’ dead within the digital? Is the aura lost in transcoding within the digitized copy?  Reality is thinking it over. Reality has a make over; schizogenicly. The isolation cell, reality was put into at the point of its creation,  has split architecturally off into a genesis of virtual reality, real virtuality, hyperreality, augmented reality.

The tension and struggle between versions and variations of idealism/nominalism (etc) and realism/empiricism/phenomenalism (etc) seem only to be possible if the two sets are violently divorced. It seems only to be possible when each individual within each set is peeled off the previous and next individual. It seems only possible if it is done by means of memetic genocide ripping individual metaphorical clouds-of-thought naked of any overlapping coverings, of any mapping, of any “element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual [or one set] to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation [or appropriation, or by mere metaphoric similarity, etc].”[*1]

The neurological and narrative harmony I personally seem to maintain with the flux and fuzzy transitions found between arbitrary demarcations of the above philosophical streams of thought (and their practical consequences in daily actions) in combination with what seems to me logically associated/intertwined multi-sensorial processes seems philosophically bullied to be unreal. My intuition that the overlaps have never been gone, never lost nor seriously addressed as more dominating/more “real” (while simultaneously fantastic) than  the separating classifications seems almost a taboo.

The almost-violent struggle seems virtual and artificial.  Is matter as a cornerstone of the real still reasonable or observable when considering virtual reality, real virtuality, augmented reality, or any other (re)constructed matrix defining reality? Perhaps it is only possible if an idealized version of empiricism is dismissed. Perhaps matter itself should give away its corner-stone establishment for something more fluid. This is a fabulously fertile ground for surreal absurdity.

Welcome to the sur-real; supercharged and intangibly hard-core.
Reality? Yes… Don’t be afraid,  it’s only (re)thinking.
This too is anima suri.



Oxford Dictionary’s definition of “meme.”












































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