Until recently, this was privately secret:
the walker from within, to under the paywall
she scoped the floor for your leftovers and made sentences out of them
as a cowgirl into a saloon, closer to you,
—imagine, doll, a 3D visual popping toward your nose—
she frequented the establishment to spy on her-ders
She facaded as the negotiator bringing parties together
as segregator keeping Romeos from ravejing Juliets
at a distance of 1818 millimeters
In a moment of her Multidimensional topology she’d swirl to
Dali’s drooping pre-wake mustache above a grin
Accusing the man, leftfully so, of misogyny
When reading a token
she was purely sense-making
meaningless to you, perhaps
yet, ma, between sensible nonetheless
Tag Archives: aiethics
<< Phainesthai 2024! >>
almost segregated,
I slid my calloused fingertips and clipped nails,
over the bluetooth pearl-white keyboard, I did not show myself distraught, not minded if keyed and wedged between bone and byte
ice-skates —creating a love relation
with a light, thin yet mysterious layer of water over ice, tensioning an overtly sharp edge, determined to pressure— would be envious.
Transition glides between ware and aware
and has been persuaded and blurred
for centuries now, no, clearly millennia even
metamorphosis has only just begun,
watery and slippery, sounding fissures, prolapsing on melting grounds: we are reading the introduction to digital humanities
humans have been digits and pincers and eyes and hands and coordinations, plannings as gratifying delusions of schemed control
brought to fruition by the edge of swords slicing ice cold layers of watered down versions into peace and other entrapments
Hardware is wireless now
—while wetwear identities migrated
and trickled, or were scraped, or delegated, or mopped up— unthreading twists are a thing of the past
in ether, into soil, into atmospheres,
out of glass-fiber wires, out of reach,
onto the play of electrons and magnetic waves
plays of power-handlers and smitheries of stainless frames without chemistry, no love no preferred relations, just related data and multidimensional patterns
to where it is immaterial you matter,
and increasingly are tied into the network
I’m tied to you now as dry skin on the sole of your avatar’s left foot
stepping onto the interbellum of a disk wipe and a backup, a brooding spawns spit-out chewing-gum of rights to be forgotten.
What’s today’s date of any day in the realm of virtual data creation; when we still call for synthetic New Year’s Days to come:
be well be renewed be flushed from zeros
flare up and show yourselves
in a positive psychology of all be ones!
triggers following cause
Midgley, M. (2001). Science and Poetry. London: Routledge. Thank you, Dr. WSA.
Spivack, J., Berrick, D., Stepanovich, A. (ed). (2023, December). Risk Framework for Body-Related Data in Immersive Technologies. Online: Future of Privacy Forum (FPF). https://lnkd.in/g9dp4gaz Thank you Claudio Bareato
<< Lived Lives Machines >>
I am the predictor of the past
scaling probability into vastness of hype
massively manipulating numbers
with hands in the cookie-jar
and wizards behind curtains:
I am structure on crack.
I am linguistic architectured practice
and visual imaginaries for a prefab wax Mesmer
I am bling, I make room for promises,
past a red-lighted windowsill, I am meaningless porn.
I am the creator of caricature
that what was thought to be,
will be bloated. That what was veiled
will be masking outliers and differences
that what was will be scraped and labeled
I am puritanically dressed in obscurity
of open spaces and access.
I can make the familiar stranger again.
It is only you who hallucinates, human:
if I can make your business easier,
stock stronger, and market share meaningful,
why dare look under the hood
for my mockeries of humanity.
I am your polished revisionist digital habitus
As an enticingly dangerous detouring printer
of lived experiences thrown into a grab-bag
as your own potpourri of past expressions non your own
I am dEUS ex machina
for your God hosting an eighth day for truth.
I am your past, your nature, your polis.
Your alpha and omega
I am you, virtually futured.
I am you, if you let me in.
Gunderson, R. (2020). Making the Familiar Strange. Sociology Contra Reification. Routledge
Martell, C., Department of Defense (USA). (2023). Shall We Play a Game. Online, YouTube: DEF CON 31. https://lnkd.in/g4Yvppjs
van Manen, M. (2016). Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy. 2nd Edition. Routledge
<< Medicine Labels of Critical Thought >>
As the year ends, I reflect on “critical thinking” (CT). Calling for CT is too often like handing out medicine labels without the medicine or a plan for treatment & follow-up. That’s paradoxically & (infra)structurally the case with this post as well. It’s not just about instructing to take a pill; it requires active & continuous engagement & co-design
CT isn’t that questionable coach who outlines a training plan but fails to provide the necessary tools, leaving players to struggle alone. Nor is it solely an elective in tertiary education, where we wonder why students lack CT skills. CT could begin early in life & continue beyond formal assessments
CT needs a serious overhaul in attitudes & structures, to allow needed mental space & relational acceptance for which educational settings are too often not conducive. A 45 minute KPI-driven lesson plan with hostile competitive relations among students (& educators) is not CT, & yet, is highly critical
CT goes beyond thought. One can think critically without acting on it, limiting it to debate clubs, podcasts, or writings like this. None are the full extent of CT
CT isn’t devoid of joy or playfulness—contrary to beliefs, it can include these elements
CT is also & yet not only about Computational Thinking, Mathematics (not “math”), or various forms of logic. Nor is it limited to adopting Critical Theories, Conflict Theories, Postmodernist & Poststructuralist thought processes, or promoting oneself as skeptical. While (at times necessarily) aided by them, CT is more than labels & theories
CT can be that walk in solitude through crisp morning air void of thought & talk. & yet, a rejuvenating attribute of CT is its relational application; even if one relates asynchronously or anachronistically, & through writing
CT is complex. It’s not a constant, not a unified force, nor always recognized. It’s sometimes seen as too intense or unsettling, & it’s neither a quick fix nor a mere phase in an R&D process
CT isn’t confined to social media interactions or limited by character counts or crude language. CT does not need ICT per se
CT involves relationships, practiced in dialogue beyond just two participants of flesh & blood. CT is inter-human innovation, ad infinitum, & beyond. It’s not a solitary pursuit but a trans-communal one, & yet, reflective solitude is one of its fuels
Critical Thinking is a dynamic, relational process, involving deep engagement & interaction. It’s an ongoing journey, not a destination or a simple label. It doesn’t end at a painful utterance
A bias might be that CT doesn’t magically appear during holidays or family gatherings. Some think these moments are only for talk about weather, sweet calls for peace, or for bile-spewing hatred & sibling rivalry. Yet, if it were present & fostered in caring relationships, & if families did return next year with joy & open CT, we’d be blessed with its presence. How naive I am? I’ll let you cough
<< teleology >>
<< teleology >>
The teleology of the grapheme is the punctum,
while the pun is Möbius’ tummy to my ruler
The purpose of the rocket is to pierce
There, I’ve said it?
While Pierce pragmatized meaning,
and the aim of practical effects is consequences only
while a phalanx’s goal is to substitute the chess game
And yet!
narrative closures can be essentialized
by either absurdities or patriotisms
with a dash of law and order
and the theoretical realities of practical abstraction
Are these morphemes mere synonyms,
or are you, and only you, their author in reboot?
Triggers ’n’ sprouts:
Scheurich, J. J. (1995). A postmodernist critique of research interviewing. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8(3), 239–252. https://lnkd.in/gbXXtb3t
<< Explanatory Wooden Frame >>
On Sundays at an inspirational 10:14AM
while others are sat on benches and fed sermons and prescriptions
I atheistically regress into asking child-like questions
aesthetically expressing my mind’s lane hanging out to dry on a world tree
An automated inner voice machines questions
as if tooling on lathes and laser cutters
I play truncated chess with logs of languages to the reckoning of numbers
as plastic as the output from 3DPs from which I construct a story; yours if you like
rathe creations blooming early shavelings
shave and burn and cut imagination, dumb it down to a stump,
sharpen it to Odin’s spear on the cheap compressed wood that is my brain
polluting the reader while satisfying a shifting use.
Darwin, you erased Aristotle’s question from the mundane:
why have certain species not materialized?
in flesh, blood and other liquids; what took them out of the sane?
I demand explanations of patterns, I demand frames:
There are unicorns, but where is mine?
there are gnomes, as alternative truths, do you lie?
there is you, as a flower self-reflecting on a murky water surface
there is peace, as a chain smoker quiting, in between puffs
I knowingly sip hot water crystal clearly misting spectacles, intentionally
sorting out the Babel evidenced
on Sunday at 10:27 I succumb to shifts and dislocations in explanatory frames
on Sunday, more Woden Wednesdays are near.
On Sunday autumn leaves plays and mind’s a page.
Triggers and Seedlings:
Garfinkel, A. (1981). Forms of Explanation: rethinking the questions in social theory. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 9, 19
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<< Calculat'd Forgott'n >>
Can I calculate the moment, its envelope, or the number of the memories I have forgotten? Even one?
One September fifteenth, oh as I remember it as a Friday, I have entirely forgotten. And yet that then holds as much confidence within me as stating: “this statement is a lie.”
Can I calculate that moment when I looked up at my son and he suddenly seemed just that ever little length taller, at about zero point two four seven three five eight zero millimeters, than my life’s partner? Things fell apart as things grow beyond. That is via a model of my son that was ignoring the layers and swirling of his hair sticking out well beyond his parent’s height.
Do I remember the color of the t-shirt he was wearing that day, yesterday? Oh, as I remember it as a bright reflection with a dash of four point forty seven times ten to the fourteenth power. A kind of red I might assume?
That day, I do remember clearly, was not September fifteenth, no. it was a day, at seven fifty in the evening, within a timezone likely not that of the reader of these words.
I count on it: will not forget.
<< ’t Is Where I Lay>>
In the vast fields of the mundane, the conceptual lingers
through the patches of the practical poking shoots and hatchlings
are sprinkled abstractions, patterns and theories
interweeding with chaos and brown noise
interloping the hurricanes of action
and instant result cross-pollination blossoms absurdity with irrationality,
reason with awareness, determinism with serendipity as wildness of life
joining streams of uncontrolled thoughts with the unintentional wetlands swamping mind, measured matter, consciousness and ephemeral information in dark and intangible laws of natures unseen.
’t is where I lay.
by names given, occupations imposed,
labels carried or roles maintained.
You cannot join
since joints forge separations of what was already one
<< Tooled Relations >>
Relationship. I might argue that ‘relationship’ not only lies in the intentionality of returned feedback from the other. It also lies in the embodied expectation (which is nuanced slightly away from conditionality). I sense, through such lens, relationship to lie in perceptions by one. I experience perceptions being influenced and influencing in how one relates to the *idea* of relationship and of what is or isn’t reciprocated there within.
Unidirectionality of a relationship, between two or more humans and, for instance, between human and tool, could perhaps be (experienced as) uni-directional if one continues looking through a Newtonian and a discrete lens. The thing is though, between humans, (perceived) unidirectionality could very well be far more detrimental for the well-being of either human then the delusion of seeing reciprocated directions between a human and a tool or more determining than any justification of looking through a lens any other than the earlier mentioned lens.
Could it be more than unidirectional if one were to look through a post-Newtonian lens that is indiscrete (rather than obscuring) from the observed? To observe is to relate and possibly become related with the observed. The intentionality of one or the other, could that be secondary and at times itself obscuring?
Especially with a human in the loop of a technology, such as “social”-mediating technologies, expectations of relationship become challenged and require a reinterpretation of intentionality and expectation.
This arguably I sense is the case between humans as their relationship is interrupted or obscured by a medium claimed as “social” and hence equally expected to be relatable as such. In a sense the artificial is a subset thereof. The artificial then also might become a feature within the mediated human to human relation.
In the realm of human experiences that what is imagined to be observed comes in some manner or other into existence, and not only by means of delusion. There are numerous examples. ‘Religions’ as a set could be understood as a large set of relationships that are claimed and experienced by many to be at least bidirectional.
That what is observed is altered by the observer as the observed relates back in that altered state to the observer. This is not too far-fetched outside of the classical Newtonian constraints on larger reality. Moreover, the imagined reciprocation is possibly as potent as the perceived or imagined lack of reciprocation. Hence is it singularly obfuscation when the imaginary ‘friend’ reciprocates since the one doing the imagining perceives it as such?
Hence I begin to wonder whether ‘relationship,’ ‘intentionality’ and ‘reciprocity’ might flourish in their own nuances if not equated or as if only existent when their relationship were claimed as one of linear causation or the lack thereof.
the possibility for perceived relationship with for instance conversational AI technologies, which could be extensions of “social” mediation, and more specifically its generative AI variations as cultural and social mediating, could offer one triggers for imagined and lived bi- / multi-directionality with ambiguity in the relationship. That ambiguity is possibly as ambiguous as human to human relations are possibly experienced; especially on social media. I for one do sense ambiguity between humans more than between me and a machine.
Let me take this further. Under the scenario where the human relation with data collection machinery —which includes systems with AI technologies— is considered as raw material, relationships are mined for their data points, to be fed back to the (other) human as consumable items. That is not unidirectional at all.
In this scenario one might consider model decay (and other subsets of information and relational entropy) of a generative system (which includes human to human relationships), such as GAIs, as one such example of stripmining. This scenario might be one where the resource for the miner potentially diminishes over time, since it is fed by its own output as content generated via humans feeding it back to it. This might then not be a singularly directed relation as a human might have with a napkin, pencil, wrench or a hammer. The technology that outputs structures for which a human feels inclinations to fabricate meaning is not unidirectional. Ignoring this could cloud the nuances and consequences.
A valued reference in my thinking here:
Tschopp, M., Gieselmann, M., & Sassenberg, K. (2023). Servant by default? How humans perceive their relationship with conversational AI. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 17(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.5817/CP2023-3-9
<< I know you not, I know your produce >>
“Full Many a Flower Is Born to Blush Unseen” (Gray 1751)
“Maybe it’s the language that is off-putting. Gray created a heightened diction based in part on classical poetry. Today, formality and artifice strike many as insincere, as though something that’s not colloquial is necessarily suspect. We’re still suffering under an ersatz Romanticism that gives value to the spontaneous and devalues the polished and restrained.“ (La Belle 1994)
I wonder, in the spirit of obsessive innovation, is taking note of dusting off and revisiting acts classified as ‘romantic,’ and yet as easily classifiable as pragmatic contextualization of the incessant “new?” Is it ripping off a style, is it an ode to generating the past generations, is it lacking ingenuity, is it contextualising innovation? Is it, it is all and then some.
Some recent technologies have added a new word into the mix: ‘generative‘ which does sound different from ‘to generate.’ Being ‘generative,‘ to generate, is a form of “creation,” to create, across the generations of human produce. Is a machine that is generative in some (perverting) sense a hyper-romantic dusting of styles of bygone eras, where era might be a time period in a style of yesterday’s meme? Across the polemics of whatever is generated, created or imagined, many a produce are increasingly designated to be democratized on the graveyards of human creation as “Full Many a Flower,” “Born to Blush Unseen.” (Gray 1751)
That brings this writing to further mimicratic note-taking and referencing [*1]: As rays shining brightness on our market-made cultures, there is Samuel W. Franklin with the “Cult of Creativity”(2023). His writing might be unthreading the web of “imagination,” “interpretation” versus “creation,” “production,” (tooled, mechanical, digital or other), and “generation” from an age not too far into the recent past. Creativity –if one could be accepting of a simplified interpretation of the above author’s recent publication– is then possibly a democratization of the output-sell-buy-move-on lineage.
Do I know you or do I know your produce?
There is no “or” through the communal lenses. This might be a subtext symbolized through the passionate, yet society-defining tensions between New York’s Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses.
Both could be equalized as peddling lanes for produce, and yet only one upheld community, relation, and reference to that individual human in the smallness, yet persistence of being, among the vastly architectured physical or digital cityscaping.
“When city planning supremo Robert Moses proposed a road through Greenwich Village in 1955, he met opposition from one particularly feisty local resident: Jane Jacobs. It was the start of a decades-long struggle for swaths of New York.” (Palleta 2016)
The acts of cutting through human creativity-over-time (and that with roads or other and possibly less tangible means) tends to meet with some resistance. Though, is this a romantically fading notion, erased by the statistical structuring and channeling of our produce and fruits of our laboring? In the pragmatics of communal resistance we can take (agency over) produce to proverbial multi-vectored meta-levels.
In that humanly —and at times dehumanizingly— yet created, anthropomorphic environment, have you lately taken a whole day, from before the sun rose until it set, to “unproductively” observe, take note of, one petal —there placed “Between the Commonplace and the Sublime”? (Franklin 2023)
Or, are you predestined to peddle stock in styles appropriated from hushed bygone times to be forgotten the moment you set foot on the (digital) subway, swaying you back to your nightly stead?
Please note, as I too am a peddler, and yet as you can assign time to read this: no counter argument could be that some must, unwaveringly, innovate their produce for a sustainable living. After all, as you observe –as or not as judgement of– lack of beauty “observation can tell more about the observer than about the environment being observed.” (Goldsmith & Lynne 2010)
There is that place between the Franklinses, the Grayses, the Jacobses, the Moseses or the digital versions of Le Corbusierses of our times.
There is non-romanticist beauty in unnoticed smallnesses, you see. In those moments there are no big names, no genius. There is you.
There is the vulnerable yet persistent petal. There is your human-made environment. There are producing generations of cohabitation. And that especially in the solitudes of creative observations.
I was touched by these words by Dr. Tim Williams as a reply to the above writing.
I wish to cherish them here:
“When I read the article, I sensed the tensions of what elements should be included in genuine generative, creative production. And thus, this led to subtle definitions to differentiate between concepts. As such, I felt that each was bringing to light an important nuance; each having its own emphasis on something important. Romanticism with its revolt against the rigid rationalism, reminding us that there are other features beyond what is in the nous; there is the entire phenomena to be considered. But then it too frequently morphs into the abstract and then without purpose (art for art’s sake). And then there is the industrialization of production with its utilitarian focus, almost to the point of killing creativity. And so, I thought a holistic approach looks upon all of these facets — the teleological, the epistemological, and aesthetic perspectives. The entirety of man in all that man is — a being that creates from who he is, limited but profound as that might be.”
Williams, T. (2023, May). “Holistic approach to being really generative.” Online: LinkedIn. Last retrieved 21st May, 2023 from a Dr. Williams comment on a LinkedIn post of the above writing. Thank you, sir.
Attributions, References & Footnote
Header photo: Christopher Michel, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Generations_%284120355763%29.jpg
[*1] “mimicratic” as from Rampage376·11/22/2020 “mimicratic reflexes (copies moves, techniques and fighting styles like he trained for years)” https://powerlisting.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000249793 IN: JokuSSJ. (2020, 21 November). If you lived in an Anime World, what would be your life and powers? Online: Superpower wiki.
Franklin, S.W. (2023). “Cult of Creativity.” London: The University of Chicago Press.
Goldsmith, S. A., & Elizabeth, L. (Eds.). (2010). What We See: Advancing the Observations of Jane Jacobs. NYU Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt21pxmnw
Gratz, R. B. (2010). The Battle for Gotham: New York in the Shadow of Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs
Gray, Thomas. (1751). Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Last retrieved May 18, 2023 from https://poetryarchive.org/poem/elegy-written-country-church-yard/
Jacobs, J. (1961). The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Vintage Books.
La Belle, J. (1994). Full Many a Flower Is Born to Blush Unseen’ : The echoes of a classic poem about the democracy of death still resonate in our language and literature. Online: The LA Times. Last retrieved on May 15, 2023 from https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-02-16-me-23414-story.html
Palleta, A. (2016, 28 April). The story of cities Cities Story of cities #32: Jane Jacobs v Robert Moses, battle of New York’s urban titans. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/apr/28/story-cities-32-new-york-jane-jacobs-robert-moses