Tag Archives: poem

<< Insight by Infinite Substitution >>

What reality would I be imagining


X  = believe-systems; technologies; communities; relationships; systems; foods; drinks; drugs; products; brands; ideologies; dogmas; stories; pleasures; obligations; jobs; companies; bosses; etc. 

“Naturally, persuasive [ __X____] should comply with the requirement of [my] voluntariness to guarantee [my] autonomy… 

[My] voluntariness presupposes a sufficient understanding of the [interaction with___X_____ ]. But, what does it mean to “understand”, and what is the sufficient degree [of understanding], really? 

What is the correct reading of “understandability” – “transparency”, “explainability” or “auditability”? 

How much, and what, exactly, [should I] understand about [ ___X___] ? When can [ I ] genuinely estimate, whether or not [ I ] want to [be guided by / be part of / be constrained by / be defined by / delegate decision to [_____X___] ?”


Perverted note-taking of https://ethics-of-ai.mooc.fi/chapter-3/4-the-problem-of-individuating-responsibilities

<< To Bloat To Fail >>

the methodologies of doubt until proven wrong, are the humbleness we could cup in our open palms when reaching out to others with the gift of questions.

Here, hold this measuring stick through wondering meanderings, through life, through counterpoints to countering voices. 

There burn the regular intervals well-tempered for microtonal crisp fireflies darkling the unknown skies: the lens is yours to sharpen. 

Where then she’d shed the stale narratives unreal of the stagnated and installed. Human, halt your race, guiding the seeing blind to the furnaces of moist soil and dispersed stardust. 

Gentle Human, you noble beast, are never too bloated to dignified fail. 


<< I stole >>

I impertinently stole these words pried from the wicker cutty-stool’s back Was it bamboo, cane, rattan, reed, seagrass, or willow perhaps vinyl: for sure You sat there, arched back, lower disc pains pen held in left itch in the armpit: paper smudges I will hold you responsible for all the things you did not and knowingly omitted: blank page Did you mean for your main character to actively commit someone to the immorally dead by turning her head away from agency Ah bestowed upon loss of autonomous pages where are thou free’edness Rip the rattan claw them out: cat Let the inner frame be naked and stand out Spill your guts out: filled The page silenced the stomachs


<< A Paper Brick Trough the Window >>

A self-portrait, perhaps of that old bearded professor’s book not of the author of the printed words but of the messenger’s own private house of lords and common articles precious and pressured to be meant. Is he who marathons’ a thought the writer of the subtext on the sideline? To then parched then dropped dead of then watering words is staining ink as then a last breath to off a human serial a-synchronization of thoughts in the margin. The grammatically abusive lies of syntactic silent crows picking tongues no longer bespoken of standards of stories of strangulated minds, triangulated with les franges du tapis at the shared and fringes of one’s read, thus transparent, existence. Life, life is funny that way. 


perverted note-taking of Ishion Hutchinson; Published in the New Yorker print edition of the September 17, 2018, issue.Ishion Hutchinson is the author of the poetry collections “Far District” and “House of Lords and Commons.”https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/09/17/the-old-professors-bookand of the email and emailer Dr. WSA

<< wallOwords >>

Let me pay you with a flipping billion pages daily oily rice paper enwrapping the margins with distracting layers of writing that have never really felt as having left the winding windmills of the undiscussable authors’ mulling Let me pay you homage with marginal funds of fondness paid to you to keep the bordered-off body of verbalized peoples warm and the framing of factories flowing Sounding spices must flow and trothed sand shovels the riverbed deeper flowing its pickled phrasing inland We are the salt flowing in your lake of words madam Shed multiples of my childhoods in bookhood heading upstream: I see you now You row, you crane, you rush ‘n’ you beaconed the beckoning of the youesque


Accidental Perverted note taking of Waddell, J. (April 29, 2022). “Sorcery and the apprentice. A bibliophile critic’s powerful ‘shelfie’-portrait. Retrieved on April 29, 2022 from here ( https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/portable-magic-emma-smith-book-review-james-waddell/ ) ; as triggered by Dr WSA.

<< Burlesque Bytes >>

Sit. Let me parade the trivialities.
I have to show for this: I was there.
At every backdrop, the world and my stage.
Now I dangle my framed locality before you; geotagged.

Poke. ceiling-suspended dead disbandaged digital body. I shaped thee as horse: mare lean meat. For pleasure of gaze and pedestrian highbrow. Imagine she told me she loved me; my selfie.

Cockle. I am man if I am tweeted. Ever so minusculed masculine, curling up in a drip of hundred and forty characters: all my own. I pretend to be loud and cocky. I rule my world pretentiously, accepting all cookies.

Pose. The same places as mini elevators. I’ll call the determining moment of pitch and parleys. Myself sold as the ultimate fair use of slipped-in foreign language, into the vagueness of my higher glossed numerical success.

Pretend. It is a space of iterative self-reflective surfaces. Life is glitter and shiny skin with blurred out imperfections. Innovated so I am no longer to become. I have a profile. I must be proud as plastic surgery ever unfinished.

It’s all me.
I was here


<< Mimetica >>

“Language is a virus from outer space”
one line snorted after the other
it fuzzies the brain
virally jumping sane to insane
Language structured universally
leaves the techno hungry mind in daze

content and consciousness
as slingshot and hand
as hand, eye and brain
as rock against the temple
heading bleeding by damnation
Language oh languaged
crumblunteously vain

its desert is just
deserted by architectured will
a dessert, a chill pill a discipline
of tempo, meter and grammar

Language is nonduality built-in
inevitability present more when muted
aphasia’ed with clot, blood, or shot
Language becomes outspoken
in absentia of open, deep space

Silent, child, silent child, silence is your hand
dropping the stone floor wall
in watery lands of concrete reflection
and meadows of the unspoken,
whistles the signaling sparrow


perverted note taking of a hit of William Burroughs and an alluded to Dennett, a touch of Chomsky and sprinkled severely with some Jos de Mul via De Groene Amsterdammer https://www.groene.nl/artikel/mutaties-in-onze-geest as often trigger-mused by Dr. WSA

<< Asimov’s Humans >>

As an absurd (or surreal-pragmatic compassion-imbued) thought-exercise, iterated from Asimov’s 1942 Laws  of Robotics, let us assume we substitute “robot” —the latter which etymologically can be traced to the Czech to mean as much as “forced labor”— with “human,” then one might get the following:

  • A human may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. [*1]
  • A human must obey the orders given them  by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. [*2]
  • A human must protect their own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. [*3]


It seems we humans do not adhere to this first law. If humans were not fully enabled to adhere to it, which techniques do and will humans put to practice as to constrain robots (or more or less forced laborer) to do so?

The latter, in the contexts of these laws, are often implied as harboring forms of intelligences. This, in turn, might obligate one to consider thought, reflection, spirituality, awareness, consciousness as being part of the fuzzy cloud of “intelligence” and “thinking”. 

Or, in a conquistadorian swipe, one might deny the existence or importance of these attributes, in the other but oneself, all together. This could then be freeing one’s own conscious of any wrongdoing and deviating one’s unique features as solely human. 

One might consider if humans were able to constrain a non-human intelligence, perhaps that non-human intelligence might use the same work-around as used by humans, enabling the latter to ignore this first law for their own species. Or, perhaps humans, in their fear of freedom, would superimpose the same tools which are invented toward the artificially intelligent beings, upon themselves. 


The attribute of being forced into labor seems not prevalent, except in “must obey.” Then again, since the species, in the above version of the three laws, is no longer dichotomized (robot vs human), one might (hope to) assume here that role of the obeying human could be interchangeable between the obeying human agent and the ordering human agent. 

Though, humans have yet to consider Deleuze’s and Guattari’s rhizomic (DAO) approach for themselves, outside of technological networks, blockchains and cryptocurrencies, which, behind the scenes of these human technologies, are imposingly hierarchical (and authoritarian, or perhaps tyrannical at times) upon, for instance, energy use, which in turn could be seen as violating Law 1 and Law 3. 

Alternatively, one might refer to the present state of human labor in considering the above, and argue this could all be wishful thinking. 

If one were to add to this a similarly-adapted question from Turing (which he himself dismissed) of “can a human think?”

The above would be instead of the less appropriated versions of “can a machine think?” (soft or hard) or “can a computer think?” (soft or hard). If one were to wonder “can a a human think?”, then one is allowing the opening of a highly contested and uncomfortable realm of imagination. Then again, one is imposing this on any artificial form or any form that is segregated from the human as narrated as “non-human” (ie fauna or flora, or rather, most of us limit this to “animal”).

As a human law: by assigning irrational or non-falsifiable attributes, fervently defendable as solely human, by fervently taking away these same attributes from any other then oneself, one then has allowed oneself to justify dehumanizing the other (human or other) into being inferior or available for forced labor.


This iterated law seems continuously broken.

If one then were to consider human generations yet to be born (contextualized by our legacies of designed worlds and their ecological consequences), one might become squeamish and prefer to hum a thought-silencing song, which could inadvertently revert one back to the iteration of Turing’s question: “can humans think?”

The human species also applies categorizing phrasing containing “overthink”, “less talking more doing”, “too cerebral,” and so on. In the realm of the above three laws, and this thought-exercise, these could lead to some entertaining human or robot (ie in harmony with its etymology a “forced laborer”) paradoxes alike:

“could a forced laborer overthink?”
“could a forced laborer ever talk more than do?”
“could a forced laborer be too cerebral?” One might now be reminded of Star War’s slightly neurotic C-3PO or of a fellow (de)human.


Thought-exercise perversion #002 of the laws:

<< Asimov’s Humans #2 >>

“A human may not injure a robot or, through inaction, allow a robot to come to harm.”

“A human must obey the orders given them by robots except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.”

“A robot must protect their own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.”


Thought-exercise perversion #003 of the laws:

<< Asimov’s Neo-Humans #3 >>

“A robot may not injure a robot or, through inaction, allow a robot to come to harm.”

“A robot must obey the orders given them by robots

except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.”

“A robot must protect their own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.”


<< Asphalt Spring >>

They foregather in murmuration
not of their own doing
in a perception of movement
of a species they are not

Petals to spring introduced
foregone themselves further flowering
on asphalt surfaces became their hard garden

and gutters for sidewalks
lay down their last will as translated by mechanical winds of cars and cyclists alike

little whites reforming
corolla crowning blankets
around productive organization

of morning peoples of whom
earlier one whirl-pooled
last night’s meal

at the roots of mama tree.


With a minute wink, as a white petal,
to Wallace Stevens
as introduced by Dr. WSA