Tag Archives: poem

<< Hygge >>

I concede. I felt a memory reminiscent of hygge, Gemütlichkeit or gezelligheid. That feeling of my childhood when we used to eat around a table somewhere in a private garden on the Flemish flatlands. 

abbey beer and red wine, cheese and thick pea soup with thicker slices of bread. Fish still sizzling from the smoke box with oyster mushrooms plucked from in between the bushes behind us. 

surrounded by trees, grapevines, grass, birds, elephant hawk moths and white butterflies. A peacock or two irritating the neighbors. There, that’s my mother’s trained sparrow. Throw a piece of bread. it will swoop it away; mid flight. 

Laughter and loud speaking with multiple conversations occupying the same space. If I had to compare it to a rawness I would call it a feeling of dark crunchy wood and thick grey woolen socks. 

I felt this gezelligheid when my children were trying on some plastic shoes at the department store; here in Beijing. We sat on a bench peacefully void of rush trying on sizes 36, 37 and hopes for soonness with 38. 

Knowing that the plastic of their shoes would one day end up in my and their bloodstream, was strengthening our bond and togetherness, for they too shall carry on and own their share of memory. 


Long form:

<< cyberhyperhygge in a plastic world >> 

if “hygge” were one of humanity’s highest aspirations, would we have to (commercially) cling on to it —or on its translated variations— as if it were the last of the relational and relatable imaginations, not yet delegated to the transnational automated, measurable, artificial, virtual or synthetic? (or has it?) 

I wonder, how will “gezelligheid” translate into a measured metaverse, gulping energy as dark red wine? Will it be transcoded into customizable statistical models and (in)discrete crudeness of alienated interaction?

Were Second Life or WoW any hint of what to eagerly continue to expect (as to human forms of interaction rather than the techno-centric innovations alone)?

Will we gradually prefer elaborations based on the interfaces suggested in “Existenz”, redefining the plasticity of “Gemütlichkeit”, its ecosystems and its seriously human and nomadic play? 

And, or, are these opportunities for re-informed reinvention, for wonder (as too often masked and forgotten by confrontations with overwhelming complexity), and for exploration, toward an acknowledgement of the unwavering grittiness of shared joy of shared life, even when the odds might not seem in one’s (collective) favor? 

The future, as I agree with some, remains open. 

I concede. I felt a memory reminiscent of hygge, Gemütlichkeit or gezelligheid. That feeling of my childhood when we used to eat around a table somewhere in a private garden on the Flemish flatlands. 

abbey beer and red wine, cheese and thick pea soup with thicker slices of bread. Fish still sizzling from the smoke box with oyster mushrooms plucked from in between the bushes behind us. 

surrounded by trees, grapevines, grass, birds, elephant hawk moths and white butterflies. A peacock or two irritating the neighbors. There, that’s my mother’s trained sparrow. Throw a piece of bread. it will swoop it away; mid flight. 

Laughter and loud speaking with multiple conversations occupying the same space. If I had to compare it to a rawness I would call it a feeling of dark crunchy wood and thick grey woolen socks. 

I felt this gezelligheid when my children were trying on some plastic shoes at the department store; here in Beijing. We sat on a bench peacefully void of rush trying on sizes 36, 37 and hopes for soonness with 38. 

Knowing that the plastic of their shoes would one day end up in my and their bloodstream, was strengthening our bond and togetherness, for they too shall carry on and own their share of memory. 



I seem to be against all institutionalised, ritualised, and mediated forms of religion. 

and yet,

“G*d” is a Pythagorean cup for everything I don’t understand
I’ve been given an endless supply of this ambrosia

and then,

When rising toward in-sight
I become flushed


the three visuals of seemingly “antique plates” were created in the liminality between text and tech: artificially with craiyon by using the above humanly-composed poem as input. Of the latter, and preceding feeding it to craiyon, the first line was perversely, yet with a human in the loop, substituted with a paraphrased version, artificially iterated with quillbot .

<< Erudite >>

Don’t talk to me about things you understand
anything less is a lack of imagination
anything more is self-conceit.
Silence erupted on public spaces

Democracies crumbled
church towers, temples and minarets tilted leftward, crosses and symbols dangled
children lost their nighttime stories

Humans tasted freedom with bitter aftertaste
understanding became underrated
rating became irrational
merit meant even less: understanding swallowed

The erudite felt oppressed with their tridents made of words, words that lacked understanding beaconed as
the mean, beaded with speechlessness

even though never experienced,
it is a happiest moment in memory,
words eaten in clarity of acid subtext
destroying the clean surfaces of white confabulation

people becoming erudite, in silence
people understood, when unheard
people dehumanized, in enlightenment
passing off learning, before speaking

Their facility with understanding:
hesitant, discrete and halting,
disassociated with their taste for life
remaining meek, submissive words

leaving numbers as plots graphed for truth
startling moments of tenderness
leaving immigrating meaning inwardly:
the more we knew the quieter we became


Perverted note-taking of Ma, Ling. (July 4, 2022). “Peking Duck.” Online: The New Yorker. Fiction July 11 & 18, 2022 Issue. Thank you Dr.WSA for pointing out.

Visual output created with DALL-E by inputting the first stanza of the above poem.
Visual output created with DALL-E by inputting the first stanza of the above poem.
Visual output created with DALL-E by inputting the first stanza of the above poem.

<< contraContext >>

Hushing until we no longer see each or one self is the ultimate silencing of an ego. Though not one of spiritual enlightenment, more one of imposed dilapidated zombification. And yet, and yet and yet then there is one or other hidden stage, squeekingly behind, in-between, a digital seamless door, which one can identify and carve open, with screams of surprise or a kind whispered silence of the written rapprochement and of that what needed no restoration: the Viennese Barbarian. — animasuri’22

<< Wàzi's Chinese Sock >>

Why is it that some words
can make me
uniquely not
feel their meaning?

‘Nonesuch.’ It sounds as Narcissus,
while withering his last beauty,
looking out onto
a dried out river bed

of a father and his nymph passed on
A bed that is echoing back
forward-thrown dumped waste
from all such passerby’s: sanitation

A bed not for sleeping but
for wasting away;
nonesuch place to hold
one’s head high

‘Salivation,’ on the other hand,
runs off the tongue
onto the paw

It does not make me
anticipate any thing
but no food
for thought.

Does salivating have meaning
for nonesuch dog
the roses : salvation

lifting a leg
to the head-hanging
white and yellow
flower: salvation

reminding some
of Zappa and Huskies
pulling one’s leg
into a shade of nefariousness

Relating there then
‘Gregarious,” sounds
dangerously lurking,
unraveling the social fabric,

Readying the claws
to whisk
into the snow-bright
yellow light

capturing pray:
that presumptuous
pedestrian: deliverance

a ‘scrumptious’ meal
of meaning
eaten away: ‘manducation,’
is not a man’s learning feast vacation

in pleasure and yet

preferably exited
than ingested
undigested rather than indigested

So too is ‘but’
not as ‘and yet’
and yet it is somewhat
euphemistically so.

Why is it
that some words non-orderly
do not feel
their meaning?


<< The Unreadable Book >>

The sixteen from Jiǎhú qìkè fúhào wallowed into the bedraggled barn my attention is. It’s a small barn, often void of substance never emptied on spirit. The sun does shine there.  

Through the cleavages spectating the revisioned bordered off sides of this devisioned thought outbuilding: yellow ray’ed air, specked with other’s memories as floating dust particles. Now I count sixteen rays. I recognize them yet so not understand. Read lite unread light. 

She shines as non eating down on my physical skin here today. There are many new suns in my life. Each are unreadable, pages as bursts, negative space as shadows, cyphers as rays. Non are nonentities. They have mass and then not. They are only absent if imagination falters as the last of the dimming fireflies. 

That vastness of unspoiled scapes, I neither escape from, nor into, are a set of bodies beshining the promise of hidden enlightenment in plain sight. I know you mean something. It is I who cannot read you. You call out, you beckon as if lushly willing to undrape meaning, I know you won’t. The obsession with literacy is a mouth eager to gush control onto these burning words. 

The sixteen from Jiǎhú will ever last. 


thank you WSA

thank you, “贾湖契刻符号”

<< Ubuntu & "(A)I" >>

there seem to be about 881000 “registered” scholarly “robots.” It seems not that obvious for them to be intelligently understood, and accepted as robots, by the one that rules them all

…perhaps lack of (deep & wide & fluid & relational) understanding could lead to undesirable impositions?

“Ubuntu & (A)I” | “I am a robot” . digitally edited digital screenshot —animasuri’22


ai #ailiteracy #aiethics #totalitarianlogic #wink #ubuntu

<< City Neversleeps >>

This is a placeholder for the better bird to fly from the windowsill of grey concrete or tottering wood rotting: it can choose. 

Droppings betray choices made preceding an autonomous flight splintering the edges where claws hang on for that nanosecond: it can count unconsciously, and then that one decisive time, it could not. 

There below lies its carcass or so could it envision its probability and multiplicity in realities diverging and converging, in linearities of written lines. Birds do not write lines, they occupy them: bending, glissando read as scores of birds. 

If the city were permafrost 30000 tears and years could thaw its persistent echo of a life once flown into promises of resurrection or competition with a baby mammoth elsewhere: tusks are not city birds, are not baby-wear, are not commonly sitting at the window sill on the 29th floor of a dilapidating apartment block. Ivory has no wings and is frowned upon. 

A life, as a building, a bird as a memory of the World as a traveler: a teething placeholder for a better one? There below lies a puzzle of bones, surrounded by whitening rays of sun, crisp old leaves and birthing mushrooms: no better but real and re-cycling life on an electric bicycle.

ring! ding! clang! grind! The bird flies.


<< IMpress >>

outcomes and impacts impress
allowing living a soap opera hyperbolically
bubbling over the bathtub edge
ironing the Fibonacci curves:
out, struggles to reborn, a shiny body

pop’s the bubble railing the hype
hierarchies herald impressions of weight
metaphors of meaningless linearity
lineage meaningfully and daily imposed:
you will cheer, you owe it a dose

“resist the urge to be impressed”
resist the urge to urge
inculcating Jane and John to what exactly?
apathy as urchin against rampaging wonder:
uninformed, disinformed, entangled in webs

oh well done, good boy
that’s so nice, good girl
stiff upper lip old chap
trigger the lever, observe the behavior
out comes the marshmallow

rinse, rename, repeat.


stoically influenced by a perverted note-taking of Bender, E. M. (18 April 2022). “On NYT Magazine on AI: Resist the Urge to be Impressed.” Online: medium.com last retrieved 21 June 2022 from https://medium.com/@emilymenonbender/on-nyt-magazine-on-ai-resist-the-urge-to-be-impressed-3d92fd9a0edd