Tag Archives: poem

<< Bruto Network >>

As above ground mycelia
—largest succulent horizontal trees of life—
mesh more Honey Mushroom
on homely Planet A, mesh more

— note: wink, listen, give joy—

slithering to the gates
creeping in the wood to carved doors
silently across the Western fronts
and where compost may lay

—note: critique, be within Earth, reflect—

tech bros building concrete brute bunkers
gold bars, pellets, bullets and jars
fearing what they feast on
fencing fancying fable and farce

— note: breathe, pause, give space—

toying inorganic creating animation
foiling organic modeling replication
geeking the germs as molds in moulds
of topsoil stainless steel, math-neurons and codes

—note: debate, relate what is needed—

here is democracy, is anti-minus
all inclusive, all mined, all open
to misses, disses and malles
as trunks, as sticks, containing truths

—note: stop, look, smell, act for others to become—

beating actualities, containing realities representing fasces as infomercials
to want, urge, need, and faint agency
forced to overjoy and overwhelm as spores

—note: smile, just smile, all iz well—

Welcome to the underbelly
unfolded for-all, summarizing air
generating flair on call,
making choice easy, too, some say

—note: be a Water-bear, a Spanish Dancer, be you, and let be any totem—

be mycelium brother
be mycelium sister

living, more as ever,
now is still,
to be
your art



India Arie. (2001). Back To The Middle. IN: Acoustic Soul.

<< Recipe for Rule >>

if imagination rims
it is a model of mind’s running

as much as running
decompletes geometries

and geometries might
lessen lines decomposed

pointing out
higher dimensions

to a dot

say dot

convinced as your lover and claimed
to recreate imagination

as if a finding of the century
compared to the greats

equated even
enunciated to inflate

make all believe
sanity is a concentrate



<< Scriptoria >>

Eye find myself in a hand’s writing
whilst the opposing thumbs
having joined forces

as two broomsticks
poking at canvas
wiping wishful thinking

for more is better
and some Monkeys’ luck
for intelligence behind form

Does a token thumb
ever tap into an object
outside its own activity?

Ordinary experiences of scripture
need disruption, dissent, dissonance
for truly democratic output
and idiosyncratic curvatures

Eye hand write
therefore I inimically am
as ink on paper white


<< The Act of Thought >>

If Philosophy as subversion

the dials are set to ignore its engine
as if leisure for the wicket
or leisure for spare-time collectors

subversion as act of the flaneur alone to all?

If Philosophy as assertion

in a state of being busy
clinging on bisignis and bezige bij
as anxiety on one’s lungs

assertion as act of the therapist off duty?

If Philosophy as observation

an observer at rest, in act
in her own frame of reference
moving, pausing in another

observation as act of the sharpshooter on edge?

If Philosophy as artificial generator

a debate over demarcation,
allocation, delineation, references
is one of model, not of ontologies

Generation as act of the cheesemaker’s secret fermentation?

The act not to be banished
to weekend wineries
and dark wooden tables

seated at by select few at peripherals
around arenas
of the powerful and populus alike

too eagerly delegated to automation of
monotonous lingua franca and
magna lingua corpus

That Actor of Thought
that actor is you.


<< The Deep Learner >>

When the universe
a system inclusive
of autopoietic subsystems

had begun imposing
prerequisites, prescription
and all who could list’m

introduced what crushes what
who eats who
who is ignorant of what

as early as the fruit
the germ, the mycelium
earlier than zero Kelvin perhaps

it were its vibration
as the student
of the particle

or were it matter
following wave
speaking of biome

either, or, and, somewhere
self has become assumed
sometime later denied

Then the fabric became
eager to learn
and we started deepfaking insights


some triggers

Dr. Nicolene. (2024, January). An autopoietic educational framework, inspired by the principles of autopoiesis as defined by Maturana and Varela. Blog: Medium. https://medium.com/@drnicolene/an-autopoietic-educational-framework-inspired-by-the-principles-of-autopoiesis-as-defined-by-efd1d12d53d4

Verschroeven, E. (2022-24). BOBIP. Blog: Medium. https://medium.com/@evelien.verschroeven/bobip-part-1-how-do-we-as-humans-think-organizations-work-and-what-happens-in-reality-11ec92e00c92

<< Pinged Science, Tried Poetics >>

From The Closed World
to The Infinite Universe
from a closed mind
to an enclosed one

at that point where
kinetic elasticity
snaps consciousness
out of place

and yet again
knows but of

to Things Never Seen ping
Thoughts Never Thought
On the Real Space
or the Infinite Being rung

what scientific exploration
speaks one of
where poetics
has no place?

if universes were
such silenced places
matter to waves
would bewilder life

losing their ways
diverging from their root
if universes were predefined
does it wave preference to zero

I mean, or do I,
that type with cubist sharp edges
and deschooled breakage
from meter or measurements

that type escaping clutches
of scholarly veneration
escaping space or place
that type typically touted
by few and written to be unspoken

that type when observed
is altered to serve
meaning what is found
approaching the root
at your pleasure, ah reader, dear.


some triggers

Raphson, Joseph. (1702). Analysis Equationum UNIVERSALIS, SEU Ad EQUATIONES ALGEBRAICAS Resolvendas METHODUS Generalis, et Expedita, Ex nova Infinitarum serierum Doctrina, DEDUCTA AC DEMONSTRATA.

Thomas, D. J., & Smith, J. M. (1990). Joseph Raphson, F.R.S. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 44(2), 151–167. http://www.jstor.org/stable/531605

<< Digital Estate >>

When dark data fertilizes
a soil with necrodata
—enclosing emptiness
following quietus—
releases a lived life

as if fossils fueling our emotions
on the surfaces of metadata:
is subtext as Emmentaler’s
spatialized circle eyes
as fermented mist between
ones and zeros
within which we plant
our teeth and tears
for a loved-one’s passing

“I miss you dad, I miss you gran’ma,”
said the grand-engineer-daughter
to the neural network deep taught
on the snippets
of their mediated analogous traces

“Can you here me dad,
can you there me gran’ma?
you aren’t now, so I forget”
lost midway, midday, mid sentence.
as histories bind us, do histories refresh?

Ouija data pointing
at hints of sense-making
with weights, sigmas and filters
directing triggers and soulfulness
spirit surfing by machines probability-stamping
and soon things get complicated

with claims of engineering-fortified science
and institutional industrial might,
into Confucian-like ancestral veneration
Or perhaps as paying hierarchical respect

to Krypton’s Jor-El’s projection,
the heralding of hagiographic lionizations
of Greek-ish heroes
as the only reasonable projectors
into our own futures,

underscored yet again
with Beethoven-replayed
and ’is 10th symphony
in ‘is Mirror of Erised:
an anchored innovation
of self-not-one’s-own
desperate desires

into pasts idealizations
as the reconstruction of a love’s model
into a misty model
of a giant’s modeled language
and lost probability
creating different versions
of combined superficial fragments.

Is fully living a modeling of ideals,
shadowing projections
of pastly presented futures?
Looking back at the digital other
In Search Of Lost Time of presents constructed.
There is no nostalgia in present newness.
It is the ultimate automation innovation
of change without any larger overhaul nor shift.

The Sea with waves
as moonshot memories
dragged to, and pulled from shores,
calving off presence of breakers and bergs
melting memories in heating weather.
Without a right to be forgotten,
where is the Sense of an Ending?

We are joining a swan’s way grooving,
plainly as captives of a sweet cheat gone
imagining a time regained:

“Dad, Gran’ma, you’re not ghosted,
I’m now, I’m here.”


<< Post Digital Weathering >>

“I feel rather postdigital this morning, dear,”
shared Ying with her life’s partner
with whom she also shared
bed, breakfast and other
modern social imaginaries

“Can we agree
it’s one of those days
I’m ‘easy to type in a search box’?”
Against all social consensus,
her partner did indeed agree
by staring at her digits

While monoversing, Ying’s impersonalized
weatherperson forecasted
an unequal distribution of data
across the south-western region of the city

and that with a small chance of predictive policing
at the upper west side of town.
Though, it should have cleared up
by eleven-ish half sides CET

Weather is important,
it’s the only safe thing
to brainchipchat about,
or so we thought,
no more



Currie, M., Knox, J., McGregor, C. (2022). Data Justice and the Right to the City. Studies in Global Justice and Human Rights. Edinburgh University Press

Jandrić, P., MacKenzie, A., Knox, J. (2023). Postdigital Research. Genealogies, Challenges, and Future Perspectives. Cham: Springer. p. 6

<< The Burrows of our Minds >>

Borrowed time,
borrowed words
borrowed smiles
and borrowed flirts

with lending comes return,
a reckoning,
an accounting,
a tax haven’s fern

said and done
what was chaos,
and “Why Would People Want to Borrow It”
if metaphorically owned by all

contrasting commons co-opted
brick-filter walled by hardly any
in computerized lingo rolling a die
living up to could very well be

I have kept time on my nightstand
and words on the fridge
as for flirts, well, in honesty
those remain locked n blocked
for fear to be ditched

behind my eyes though
as talents in the dirt
and as national debt
owned by others
and candy crushed
played at first sight
and distracted squared
exponentially fared

and chaos, however,
chaos can be borrowed
by the buckets,
13 in a dozen
yet that would yet be
too tempered.

the probabilities
to tunnel truth as consciousness
seem as bulldozers excavating
for plumage on dino skin

a statistical human is a
borrowed shedding: it lacks life
It lacks juice as outliers
of finesse and idiosyncrasies
upholding the transfluid burrows
of our minds


a trigger:

Kellert, S. H. (2008). Borrowed Knowledge: Chaos Theory and the Challenge of Learning across Disciplines. London: The University of Chicago Press. Thank you Dr. WSA

<< Library on Loan >>

“I am the librarian
if I were The Bookless Librarian
it would be: they ate it all
if termites hadn’t taken
I would not be this token Librarian

prompting a chair out of thin air
without foundations to reference
the tiles slammed together
as cover-to-covers do with dust clouds

expelled to breathe-sneeze
as output and deliriously welcomed
as divinely insightful

I am the librarian,
punch cards, card catalogs, ink blots: gone

accordions of accolades and all words by me

have I the ability to imagine myself otherwise
all the resources all the mice and all the men

yet stuck I am in fumigation and sfumato,
being now seeking clips and coupons
to a better life of quotes tomorrow

I am covering this rebound bundle
sliding loans for borrowers in carts for archives
among these on a page xiii I am the librarian
someone underlined but me

while patrons enjoy the
peace and echo
of empty space

I am the librarian who
makes book ends




(Thank you, Mr. George Keller Hart for independently corroborating some attributes, for independently offering resources to the public, and for adding critical value with your posts on LinkedIn)

Arch Daily. (n.d.). Libraries. 680 Results for “libraries.” https://lnkd.in/gsKfYdfb

AI Lab, The. (n.d.). Academic Insight Lab. https://academicinsightlab.org/ AND https://www.youtube.com/@AcademicInsightLab/videos

AskYourPDF. https://askyourpdf.com/

Australian National Library. (2020). T.R.A.A.P Test. https://libguides.anu.edu.au/c.php?g=906019&p=6594267 See The CRAAP Test by “Sarah Blakeslee and the librarians at California State University’s Meriam Library in 2004”

Bellingcat. (2023). Bellingcat’s Online Investigation Toolkit. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18rtqh8EG2q1xBo2cLNyhIDuK9jrPGwYr9DI2UncoqJQ/edit#gid=930747607

Blakeslee, S., et al. (2004). The CRAAP Test. Online: California State University’s Meriam Library. https://library.csuchico.edu/sites/default/files/craap-test.pdf AND https://libguides.cdu.edu.au/c.php?g=167998&p=6962967

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SciLink. Accelerate Your Research Workflow. https://www.scilynk.com/

Scinapse. Where Minutes Matter. Quickly tap into the wisdom of leading scientists. https://www.scinapse.io/

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