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“Johnny can’t read”
Why Johnny can’t read
Why, Jonny can’t read

is his crisis a crisis
that crisises on
for hundred years

we ‘solved’ intelligence in fifty
we mechanized learning in a quarter
we metaphored into machines any second now

think graduating as humans is a point
as compliance to efficiency,
grading as cheese on a linear scale

with its wisdom but a pattern
as pâté for purity and 1 solution for 3 bodies
grasping BMI computing of minds thinning

Johnny, be good
johnny Be Good
But Johnny, Johnny can’t read.



“Johnny can’t read” IN: Arendt, H. (1958, not 1954). The Crisis in Education. Partisan Review (Collected into 1961’s “Between Past and Future”), 25 (XXV)(4), 493–420. https://archive.org/details/sim_partisan-review_1958_25_index/mode/1up and https://thi.ucsc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Arendt-Crisis_In_Education-1954.pdf

there is always a temptation to believe that we are dealing with specific problems confined within historical, [disciplinary] and national boundaries and of importance only to those immediately affected. It is precisely this belief that in our time has consistently proved false. One can take it as a general rule in this century that whatever is possible in one country [and siloed discipline] may in the foreseeable future be equally possible in almost any other“