body of water at daytime

<< Strategic Acquisition >>

The knight in white armor on a black steed
as imagine-maker is dead, transformers to heed
the clippetheeclob of innovation by calculation

heralding mists of information as mesmeric mélange
eagerly screaming screen for subscribing village children
brandy-gulping simulated stories, ‘n’ maiden’s pillage

by brethren bravery, bringing swords and steel
from battlefield dust voiding clarity for real
blingatheeblingbling as language as if thought

their speak brought structure, order and gain
carves numbers of the data slain on surfaces plain
meticulously repackaged decimals as commerced chain

flaunting measures why care about accuracy
where approximation is the new creep and
repurposed “knowledge”’s endearingly cheap

feeding sugarwater as the new proclaim
hyped up on data diabetes, mellitus for quick reign
the hoodie bearing knight now wields wires

tickling the village funds and scanning retina
chasing attention hunts down debabyproofed streets
plugging into every, yearning, eagerly-leaking brain

wining prizes and earning fame
the knight in shiny system
stands tall, bares no shame

Hippeetheehop, clippetheeclob
Blingatheeblingbling: the knight with a fresh polish!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

as pure strategy
as any thought unworded
neigh, as expressed joy:

remaining to say.


100%humanly bred & penned with wink

For allowing an uneducated poem to become a human-relational UI, and for “The knight with a fresh polish!,” thank you Dr. Williiams, Tim. (2024, Dec. 18) via at Tim Williams, PhD

#criticalliteracy #criticalpedagogy
#nonelinear_sensemaking #liminality