I follow the saccade
deeper into its sound
of diurnal jerky eye movements
looking around the scene
undecidedly hearing a thrush
thrusting and pecking
the molted exoskeleton
of a mold-housing nymph
masked by chirping cicadas
left, right, above: within one’s head
all scrubs and trees alike
abolishing absence of life
between the dewdrop’s depths
of summer twilights and the
bat crossing human crossings
silence smiles with sharp monotony
when invited
and heard
it’s early morning
when I say it is
time to wake a walk
Ruefle, M. (2012). Madness, Rack, and Honey : Collected Lectures. Seattle, USA: Wave Books. Retrievable via: https://archive.org/details/madnessrackhoney0000ruef/page/n6/mode/1up