<< Masculine Missile>>

With hooks, and ropes;
adorning harnesses and safety belts;
claiming base-camps, helicopters and Sherpas

With the latest theory tested to practice;
deep voiced solid narration and epic pep-talks;
tempered steel focus and hardened grit

With paving ways for caravans to follow;
circling the spoils of gained ground;
feeding the fire, trampling the grid

Water mountains they climb.


<< beauty >>

when beauty stares back
from proximity, from tip-toe distance
and with osmosing depth

i am unable to grasp it
as it flows through
consciousness: it undefines

such beauty does not get stuck
not as neurons exciting
not in thought, bouncing off

scraping cranial walls plastered
with blinding minimalism
of anxieties and neurotic echoing surfaces.

such beauty is celebration
beyond cerebral coercion
with willingness undesired

such beauty is you
without eager acknowledgement


<< Early >>

I wake while sound sleeps
the pumping of blood
from an accelerating heart
trying tinnitus, buzzing into the brain

as far as an eye can see
no bathroom lights, kitchen lights
no late night living room brawls
nor a balcony staring back with a full glass

I wake while songs, sons ‘n’ Sun sleep
a physiological soundtrack underscores singleness:
gurgling interiors, rushing fluid
snapping joints, groans the still could hear

the acidic burn of last night’s dinner
reminds me in early hours: we carry histories
in organs, consequences in flesh;
or so I do. I do.

I wake while counting the rings and ribs
of a slice of tree and a trunk of life
it’s all there, drunken with memory

there is no serenity during one’s wake
