If my “difference” is befitting the flavor of your day or befits what the majority, here and now, is obliged to say,…
If John, Jimmy and May are afraid to express their concern with my “difference”,…
If I am what you say is different,…
If you make me believe I am different from those who you devised away from my control,…
If my difference upsets your common sense, your comfort zone, your elite or commoner’s filters,…
If my difference does or does not befit the “sanity” of your societies,…
If my output is boring, annoying, too difficult, too stupid or structured in a nonstandard way for you to accept (since understanding asks too much effort in your busy day),…
If I oppose your act or thought, your plan, as a perceived majority of others are imagined not to do,…
If I work together with others toward a common goal which happens to fit yours,…
If I am (not) moving your way,…
If I am different from the billion individuals within one nation but all the same to all others,…
If you oppose my clothes, my food, my body, my language, my movements, my interest, my gender, age, my heritage, style, my narrative,…
If I (don’t) have a tattoo, a ring, an object of bling bling,…
If I am “sufficiently” ignored, debased, dismissed, ridiculed, ostracized by some but not by all,…
If my difference is biased to be of no utility to you,…
If I hold an ideology that is shared by many but opposed by even more,….
If I share a believe-system that once was different yet now is not even a bit,…
If I “don’t” believe but “only” measure,…
If I “don’t” measure but “only” believe,…
If I don’t or do depending on the smell of colors or how I’m swept by nature’s play,…
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If I am sanctioned, for the common good,…
If I stop doing what my parents did, their neighbors or the folks around the place of worship,…
If I don’t believe in me, myself and I and tomorrow I claim I do,…
If I act like you but (secretly) think differently,…
If I don’t do that or behave like that as you sanction,…
If I say that I’m not mesmerized, not distracted, not enticed by the light, nor carrot, not tamed by your stick,…
If I once was perceived as different and now all others do the same,…
If I once was different but now I’m so yesterday,…
If I use the hyped-up words and have the preferred interest,…
If I don’t innovate, don’t rally, don’t transform, don’t lead, don’t deliver,…
If I innovate and preserve in ways you don’t acknowledge,…
If I am sufficiently self-engrandizing yet privately insecure,…
If I came from another planet, say bleep bleep and have a metallic skin color,…
If my poetics doesn’t fit your meter; or it fits the meter of yesteryear,…
If I write this,…
If I don’t go to your gym,…
…am I then sufficiently different or is my difference only a character in a narrative, (not) part of your play?