“…Paper is a Fraud…”

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The scientific paper is a fraud in the sense that it does give a totally misleading narrative of the processes of thought that go into the making of scientific discoveries…” (Medawar, 1964) and so is the above decontextualized hook-line, opening this post –as if the fairest of titles– misleading in a not-so-playfully perverted way.

Sir Karl Popper gave us a form and function in scientific methodology via empirical falsification such as presented in his “Conjectures and Refutations”. Has it done us well (us the species, the populous, the Hoi Polloi)? Have we become immune to the absolute, the reductionist linear or to the falsehood of the polarized? Think again; for the many the few have yet to suffice.

Then there is a second scientist, known as the “father of transplantation“: Sir Peter Medawar. Since we are not immune to the traps and trepidation surrounding our personalized versions of oversimplifying falsehoods (including this post and its naïve author), Sir Peter’s medical insights and more so some of his more popular writing might be of use to us in thinking about information gathering and how it might be made to stick or made to be rejected.

Poetic transcoding of concepts and methods from seemingly very different fields of the human endeavor might be of practical use to some of us. A little dab’ll do ya… Though, can methods of less linear and less polarized thinking be as a smoothening ointment against all misinformation? Do all metaphorical potions, at all times, avoid the rejection of that unwanted information-limb? Of course, not. Thinking one has the singular method to iron out falsehood might just perhaps let falsehood creep in through one’s over-polished hubris of believing to be absolutely firewalled against it. Can the real clean guy please stand up?

Nevertheless, we can take methods or metaphorical images as models into our laypersons’ dealings with information; or so one might hold an imaginative and ever-so-slightly childish hopefulness when reading Sir Peter’s 1964 writing entitled “Is the Scientific Paper Fraudulent?”.

As a tidbitty-sidenote: Mr. Medawar was also metaphorically knighted as “the wittiest of all scientific writers” by Dawkins in “The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing.

The scientific paper is a fraud in the sense that it does give a totally misleading narrative of the processes of thought that go into the making of scientific discoveries. The inductive format of the scientific paper should be discarded. The discussion which in the traditional scientific paper goes last should surely come at the beginning. The scientific facts and scientific acts should follow the discussion, and scientists should not be ashamed to admit, as many of them apparently are ashamed to admit, that hypotheses appear in their minds along uncharted by-ways of thought; that they are imaginative and inspirational in character; that they are indeed adventures of the mind.” (Medawar, 1964)

I especially enjoy the last thread of his words: “[scientists’ ideas / your thoughts / ___________] are imaginative and inspirational in character; that they are indeed adventures of the mind.

Peter Medawar’s Is the Scientific Paper Fraudulent?Dawkins, Richard: “The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing

Space, spatial design & Physical Boundaries as not-so final frontiers.

a poetic playful slice from intertwined realities around us

Our species goes through great lengths to create potentials for augmented physical and metaphysical experiences. Our attitudes towards the behaviors involved in these creative processes –stimulated by and surrounding or within these endeavors– are increasingly complex, interconnected and contextual.

If one were to imagine that the universe were to have found its versions of “mirrors”, within the formation of life and lifeforms, created within its own embodiment, one might then continue imagining that this self-reflective universe seems to challenge itself to take its abilities further, into increasing detail. This could be imagined momentarily as irrespective of our human ethical evaluations thereof, which ironically, in this imagination, would be yet another dimension of the self-reflective nature of that anthropomorphic universe itself.

We humans are not that universe’s only format enabled to create a building surrounding a tree or immersing a grand piano, the latter with which we have the aim to maximize the sonic and visually immersive experiences for the listener with the pianist, massaging the keys.

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As Indonesian Vogelkop Bowerbirds and other species, we too create structures, schemes and dances –as elaborate forms that follow even more, or less, elaborate functions– to maximize experience by another, and to some extent, also to the advantage of ourselves (and our social status or genetic material).

Then again, perhaps this it’s not too far imagined that this all is “simply” to propagate the self-reflective iterations and convolutions of said universe and its aesthetic exploration of what it, itself, aspires to behave as, become and ends up expressing.

Here: the universe allows itself to enjoy its architectural creations via human creative proxy: awe-inspiring.

Concert Hall in Warsaw / Tomasz Konior. Image Courtesy of A’ Design Award & Competition. Retrieved Friday May 21, 2021 from archdaily

Dubiousness Cross-pollinated with Ambiguity

“ambiguity” met “dubiousness” & offered us a metaphorically chimeral offspring. 

Sometimes one can hide one’s dubiousness behind an imposed fluffy veil, draped over the idea, act, fact & myth of artistic ambiguity or their similar twin-sistered genius-like abilities to see harmonious patterns & processes, where others might “solely” claim  contradiction or paradox.   

However, a connotation for “dubiousness” will be served and only today as a cold dish, with the following biodegradable ingredients: “dubiousnesses are the states and processes of being, acting or being perceived as ‘sus’ among us”. 

“ambiguity” shall be brewed here as “one of the  transformative processes of flowing multiple vectors of interpretable meaning in flux (including effect, affect, interpretation, applicability, appropriation, etc) bussed through a meaning-combining matrix.” Dizzy yet? This is Lingua Inebriare & perhaps an example of our chimera?

Ambiguity might be constructed by combining seemingly opposing attributes & that not merely from two opposing sides but, rather, from a multitude of interconnected directions and intensities. 

Yes, shocker and spoiler alert: any coin does hold more than two sides together; which proverbially continues to be stubbornly denied by many mental models and their extreme reduction of physical and metaphysical obviousness. The coin’s multidimensionality is not dubious it might feel ambiguous when one might try and ask questions such as:

“which side am I on?”,

“what’s up and what’s down?”

“Does this coin make any sound if it fell where no human  could sonically observe it?”

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ambiguity can be misused as much as any other mediating process for meaning-making could be. 

How shall one vote? “Ambiguity” perhaps yes?

While for “Dubiousness” the jury is still out?

And maybe “no” on combining the two?

Here’s a thought: let’s remain ambiguous about it. 


photo up ahead : “when the table takes the upper hand”. Digitally photo-edited digital photography of artificial props . animasuri’21

The Nondualistic We

If I had not constructed “we” then “we” would not exist; more so the reverse, one might so insist

if there were no mi followed by silence in-between it & the do, then sol-itude of the reverberating drone would drown away any harmony

if the “amoeba” did not transgress protoplasticllly, into evolutions, then no organization of organs as enablements through a body, would come to do what I do: an orchestration of neurons, beyond the brain & in baroque-like counterpoint with microbiomes, across a cooperative body I call I

if I were but I then I would not need semiotics, since expressing meaning, as aesthetic or ethic, in-between I & my reflection, would be as Narcissus out of social context: meaninglessly pining away

If I were merely I, I would need not construct money to trade, be mesmerized by titles to bear, not impose soldiers to hold, not pain nor laughter to share. Things would be bare of value; mere things out there

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If I were but I in an I-land adrift through expanding space, then I would be an aberration as much as what I might wonder about intelligent life among the stars

It is in-between the processes of the physical irrefutability that I is not 1 & that we co-construct meaning, to do for me, so as to be & then let go of the solitudes of I


Enlightened Darkness

An enlightened room…is that a non- or de-darkened room, as if a “dark room” that is not a dark room?

An enlightened black color… is that a color that is non-black as if a “black color” that is not a black color? A tromp l’œil or a trick of the brain’s visual cortex’s processes?

An enlightened despot is that a non- or de-psychopathed leader as if a ”psychopathic individual” that is not psychopathic?

Which characters & imaginable (absurd/ funny/ scary/ enlightening/ …) stories does an “enlightened [__________________]” conjure up?

One might like to play with words such as: demon, female bricklayer, husband, angel, giant gnome, virus, blood clot, idiot, belly, fossil fuel vendor, genius, antisocial personality, compassionate moral individual, axolotl, solar panel vendor, robber, bank,…

Knowing that 1 of the denotations for “enlightened” is “freed from #ignorance & #misinformation”, then how might a bright, well-lid room, any tone of white color, or a functional altruist, be differentiated from their somewhat enlightened counterparts, that were played with above?

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Some of the many triggers and vectors:

What is the opposite of psychopathy? A statistical & graphical exploration of the psychopathy continuum

Enlightened room” a superficial online search result

the source for the one of many denotations for “enlightened

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“coach” or *Coach*

“When you coach, you don’t need to be the expert. You don’t need to be the smartest person in the room. And you don’t need to have all the solutions. But you do need to be able to connect with people, to inspire them to do their best, and to help them search inside and discover their own answers.” (Harvard Business Review)

One might have observed examples of a “coach” who claimed all of these attributes that one does not need. At times, with self-relflection and modesty, one can observe these unneeded items in oneself as well:

The “coach” did not ask; the “coach” claimed

the “coach” did not listen; the “coach” imposed

The  “coach” did not empathize; the “coach” aggrandized and agonized 

The “coach” did not purposefully wander into wonder; the “coach” stupefied and stifled 

The “coach” did not uplift; the “coach” made small 

The “coach” did not consider radiating options; the “coach” pinpointed that unquestionable 1 solution

At those moments, the coached might be coached to be the problem and of no use to the “coach”.

That “coach” will move on, obliviously, to the next target, who might satisfy the “coach” but not, to the fullest, the coached.

That “coach” will not *comprehensibly* read the coached. Such ”coach” shall remain convinced to have all the enlightened functional literacy which the “coach” needs, as a fixed singular solution to the problem; always outside of the “coach”.

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The “coach” shall remain stuck in a reductionist dualistic view of the other (excluding oneself) and merely “innovate” within that limitation. 

Such might be a “coach” whom one can observe, experience, and at times one might be oneself; again and again. 

What shall one call or do with such, at times seemingly inescapable, type of “coach”? 

One could move on away from such “coach” but that does not evaporate that “coach”’s mindset. Such “coach” might smell as sweet under any other name: “Teacher”, “Parent”, “CEO”, “Director”, “PhD”, “Priest”, “Guru”, “Professor”, “Judge”, “Consultant”, “Trainer”, “investor”, “Board Member”, “Counselor”, “Guardian”, “Self-made man/woman”, “Community Leader”, “God”, “Hero”, and so on.

That “coach” might take one to the highest of the high, technically; maybe, even seemingly performance-wise. Though that busy and (self-)important “coach”, lacking comprehension, reflection and discernment for life, might take one to one’s lows; humanly.

Any of these, as actual Coaches, need growth mindsets too. Coaches do not need to be experts, not the smartest, not the absolute solution, not the answer to your problem,.

I have met them, I meet them now and at times I see him in the mirror.

And yet, as actual * COACH * , many quietly embrace the other, daily and unwaveringly, in their degrees of modest, rational-altruistic enlightenment (which might be, in a non-dualist sense, a form of tempered-selfishness) and then move humanity; upliftingly, inclusively, contextually, ecologically, with continued reflection and with feed-forwardness. 

“No, I am not one of them, yet,” is what one had best think when one aspires to be an actual * Coach *: “I don’t have the ultimate perfectly measured solution. I am not an expert, I am not the smartest. I reside in your ‘room’ now and not mine. Please, tell me again to listen. Perhaps I can offer a question and one more, and I do thank you for your patience, in me trying to support you; within reason. And, that’s all good.” One can use this as a mantra in confident-modesty while moving forward.


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